SCOPEHOLIC Kaleidoscope - Pink, White cap

Product image 1SCOPEHOLIC Kaleidoscope - Pink, White cap
Product image 2SCOPEHOLIC Kaleidoscope - Pink, White cap
Product image 3SCOPEHOLIC Kaleidoscope - Pink, White cap

Regular price $25.00


- Triangular mirrors with the special coating that make reflected patterns more vibrant.
- Two distinct spectacles seen through both ends.
- Eyepieces are produced with 3-D printer.
- Demonstration without opening the package.
- Kaleidoscope-produced images may be saved and replayed.
- Nature and any object also turn into colorful patterns seen through the product.
- An idea product that merges a kaleidoscope and a mobile cell phone.
- An amazing ability to transform plain images into spectacular graphic patterns.
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